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Please contact the Project Manager for the seminar if you have questions. This is pro bono publico work, so the specialist resources are asked to donate their time. The Society does not reimburse travel or other expenses incurred by presenters or workshop leaders. No commercial promotion of products or services shall be allowed. To this end, company and product names shall not be included in presentation or workshop titles. Presenters or facilitators shall not be identified with company names, except in their biographical summaries and as part of published contact information. Company names and logos in slides and presentation materials shall be discouraged. Any person who participates in a technical program shall do so as a qualified professional in her or his own right, and under no circumstance as a representative of an organization. Presenters and workshop leaders must be qualified in their fields and should be PMPs. The designation establishes a presenter as qualified. As an exception, a non-PMP may be a presenter or workshop leader, but this must be justified by the expertise of the candidate on the selected topic. Presenters and workshop leaders are invited to participate in the entire seminar. Normally, all attendees are expected to register for the event and to pay the fee. The PM may decide to offer complimentary registrations. Presenters who attend long enough for their own sessions only will not be asked to register or to pay. Please let the Project Manager know if you will be attending for the full day so that a seat can be reserved for you. Each presenter and workshop leader shall be provided with a copy of the seminar binder, whether registered or not. 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